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Sara Gettys
Dr. Burck helped me finally move past a belief which had been blocking me. He intuitively knew just the right questions to ask. As a result, I felt lighter and more fully connected to my inner guidance. I am grateful for Dr. Burck's gifts, abilities and insights! ”
Intuitive Questions Helped Me Step into a New Phase of My Career as a Healer
Dr. Lewis wrote these appreciative comments while she was making a major professional change from chiropractic to “medical detective.”
I have felt a lot turbulence as I am transitioning from a non-traditional intuitive Chiropractor of 25 years to working in groups and developing systems that will allow people to transcend the obstacles preventing them from achieving their soul’s purpose.
Through Russell’s intuitive questions, I saw that the turbulence is tied to regret, which could keep me stuck in a profession that does not fully serve my life purpose.
My freedom came when I realized that there is absolutely nothing to regret. Does the butterfly regret that it is no longer a caterpillar?
Julia Christine Lewis, D.C.
Dr. Burck’s Respectful, Pertinent Questions Helped Me Move Forward in My Business
Ms. Huupponen successfully navigated the change in her business life that she refers to here:
I’m currently at a fork in the road in my business life. A conversation with Intuitive Consultant Dr. Russell Burck helped me find the guidance on which direction to take.
Russell asked pertinent questions and reflected back my responses, which allowed me to clearly ‘hear’ my ideas. He also brought to my attention a very important point, contextualizing it in a way that will be most helpful in my marketing, and which I would never have seen or considered on my own.
I expected him to say “Yes, do this” / “No, don’t do that.” It wasn’t like that at all. Just talking with Russell was beneficial and his questions were intelligent and knowledgeable. I recommend his services to others seeking clarity.
Virginia Huupponen, Perth Australia